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4. #SUB horoscope records

In this chapter we define what is called sub records, a means to embed related horoscopes (like eg. solar returns) into a record instead of using a top-level record (introduced with an #A93 chunk) for them. Like that, all operations performed on a record (eg. sorting the database or deleting the record) are applied to the sub record as well, automatically.

A sub record begins with a qualified #SUB chunk and ends with another #SUB chunk or an #A93 chunk or the end of file. The format of #SUB chunks is identical to the format of #A93 chunks. All #SUB chunk IDs are qualified which means that they have a <level> number and a <type> like that:


For example, `#SUB1_ALT' is a level one #SUB chunk containing alternate chart-info data, which can be useful eg. for corrected birth times or different birth data from a second source. When we say ``level one'' we mean that #SUB1 is related directly to the parent #A93 top-level record (level zero).

A `#SUB2_RET' chunk can be used inside this #SUB1_ALT record to embed a level two solar or lunar return horoscope for the alternate data in the #SUB1_ALT record.

To relate a solar return horoscope directly to the #A93 top-level record we would need a `#SUB1_SO' chunk. Here is an example:

#SRC:Birth certificate (registered time)

#SRC:Birth time corrected by Niehenke

#COM:First solar return using the corrected birth time

As you can see in the above example, a carret `^' can be used to abbreviate the field contents of the parent #SUB or #A93 chunk. You also should be aware of the following facts:

4.1 The #SUBx_ALT record: Alternate data from a different source

Like all #SUB chunks, the #SUBx_ALT chunk is syntactically equal to the #A93 chunk. It defines alternate birth data for the parent #A93 or #SUB chunk. As in all #SUB chunks, carrets "^" can be used in the fields of a #SUBx_ALT chunk to abbreviate the field values of the parent #SUB or #A93 chunk.

4.2 The #SUBx_RET record: Solar and lunar return charts

To be explained here...

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